Saturday, September 29, 2018

Integrate Email into HubSpot CRM

Every email sent or received by any registered sales team member can be automatically logged in the HubSpot CRM.

To log incoming messages in the CRM
If a lead sends an email requesting information to one of your email addresses that is not already automatically linked to your CRM, you can log that email by forwarding it to your HubSpot CRM account. To forward this email, you must use a HubSpot account-specific CRM 'forwarding address' which is essentially a special email address. Within a few seconds, a newly logged message will occur as follows. 1) If the contact is new, a new contact account will be created within your CRM. You will be able to verify this in the 'Contacts' list. Otherwise, for pre-existing accounts, the email will be logged as a new event against the preexisting contact. 2) The email will appear on the 'activity' timeline of the contact's account. In fact, anyone with access to the CRM account can click an 'expand' link to read the entire email directly within the CRM.

You may ask sales team members who are not yet linked to your CRM ac to forward emails this way.

To register a team member.
Emails will be logged only if a team member is registered beforehand. In order to ensure their emails are automatically logged into the CRM, set them up as users in your HubSpot account. Rest assured that you may customize their permissions.
  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar.
  • Click 'Users & Teams' in the left sidebar menu. 
  • Click 'Create user'. 
  • Enter your team member's email address.
  • Select the type of access you wish to grant the new user

To find the CRM forwarding address, make the following selections
  • Settings (in the top menu)
  • Sales
  • Log emails in CRM
  • Copy the forwarding CRM address. The ending is always as highlighted here. Your unique account number will appear as the prefix, like a 7-digit number.
  • Without yet sending, create a forward email from the lead's original email. Paste the forwarding CRM address into the 'to' field and then send.
  • To check the email was logged, select the following. 'Contacts'; click the name of the contact within the list; if not yet activated, click the 'activity' tab. Scroll through the activities. The email should appear at the time you (not the lead) sent it.

To log outgoing emails in the CRM (if you are sending from your email server's platform, like Gmail)
There are 2 options; 1) you can automate the process by sending leads emails directly from within CRM. However, you will need to link your email account (like gmail, Office 360 or other IMAP) account with the HubSpot. 2) Without linking the sending email account with HubSpot, you can send the email as normal but also include a BCC to the CRM account. NB, the BCC must be sent at the moment you are sending an email to your customer (and not after the fact). The contact record that is created is the one in the 'to' field of your email.

To find the CRM BCC address
  • Settings (in the top menu)
  • Sales
  • Log emails in CRM

To log outgoing emails in the CRM (if you want to send messages directly from within HubSpot)
To be able to send emails through your HubSpot CRM, you must connect your email inbox. This will also allow your HubSpot CRM to automatically log and assign all your incoming and outcoming emails against the appropriate contact account within the CRM. Let us assume that the account is in Gmail. Do not worry about emails appearing in only one of the platforms (Google or HubSpot) because when you send an email in either of the platforms, the email will appear in both.

Make the following selections
  • Settings (in the top menu)
  • Integrations
  • Email integrations
  • Connect an inbox
  • Select 'Google' (and follow the instructions)
  • Complete the integration steps
  • Start to compose an email. If the integration occurred correctly, you will see some new options appear within the email template. For instance, below the subject line, you will see a check box to 'log' and 'track' the email.


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