Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Non-Technical Guide to Buying a Computer for Very Small Business

Without getting too heavy, this post discusses a few must-know specifications to learn and discuss when shopping for a new computer for your small business. I will make the foIlowing 2 assumptions. 
  1. The extent to which you interact with a computer is limited to tasks like exchanging emails; ocassional video calls; preparing invoices on spreadsheets or accounting software; an accounting program; basic video editing software for production demonstration videos; the ability to use social media like YouTube and instagram; and a few basic graphic software programs (for product label designs). 
  2. You have already used a computer, at the very least, in some other aspect of your life. The reason for this is that a relatively easy way of getting a new or replacement computer is to analyze how a previous computer met your needs in very specific ways (speed, etc) and then, using that earlier situation as a yardstick, find a new computer whose performance is comparable, better or less in each of these areas.

Specification: Hard Disc Drive / HDD
The hard disc drive is a traditional storage device. In other words, this is where all your product photos and MS Excel files are stored. When deciding how much storage you currently use, consult the storage status of your current computer. In this case, only 127 of 1,000 GB (aka 1 terrabyte) storage capacity has been used. Rather than select a new computer with 128 GB of storage, ie only 1 GB over this current usage, another computer with at least 100 GB over your expected usage, like one with 256 GB of storage would be the better option. Naturally, if you are likely to use considerably more storage than you do currently, a terrabyte is an even better option. NB A solid state drive / SSD is an alternative to a standard HDD. An SSD is newer, faster, lighter, more durable but stores less data and costs more.
Example(s) of expression: 1 terrabyte HDD (ie 1,000 GB); 256 GB drive
Find this specification in the 'Storage' Registry of a Windows computer as follows. 
  • Right click Windows icon (in bottom left corner of screen)
  • System
  • Storage

Specification: Processor aka Central Processing Unit / CPU
The processor is the 'brain' of a computer. Specifically, it provides and executes commands for the computer's functioning like opening a new window, rendering an image, saving a document and so on. This specification is all about speed and efficiency. More and more recent is better, especially with multitasking. So more recent versions complete tasks faster like how nutrients help brain function. The speed in seconds is expressed in GHz. 
Example(s) of expression: Intel i3 / Intel Core i3-6100U CPU @ 2.330 GHz
Where to find this spec on a computer: Stickers are normally placed on the surface of the computer. 

However, if the stickers are missing the detail or the sticker is missing, find this specification in the 'About' Registry of a Windows computer as follows. 
  • Right click the Windows icon (in bottom left corner of screen) 
  • System 
  • About (scroll down to the bottom of the screen)

Specification: RAM / Random Access Memory aka Temporary Storage
The RAM is much like the human nervous system in terms of how it relays data. Consequently, the higher the amount of GB used for this process, the faster and more efficicent a computer functions. 
Special consideration: Do not consider this specification in isolation. For instance, if your old computer had a specification of 6 GB but a prospect has 4 GB. The prospect is not necessarily inferior. Also consider its hard drive. For instance, if the hard drive is SDD (which, as discussed above is faster than the older HDD), the prospect may still be a viable option.
Example(s) of expression: 6 GB RAM
Find this specification in the 'About' Registry of a Windows computer as follows.
  • Right click the Windows icon (in bottom left corner of screen) 
  • System 
  • About (scroll down to the bottom of the screen)

Other noteworthy specifications: weight, materials and screen size in inches
For instance, I find a 14-inch screen and plastic outer body ideal because although I rarely move my laptop from its place on my desk, I can not bear the weight and bulkiness of a larger and heavier computer for too long in the few ocasions when I must be on the go with the laptop. I once used a light weight laptop with metal covering when I needed to travel frequently.

  • Send a message to the vendor saying that your current compuater with specifications "Intel i9, 4GB RAM, 250 sdd" no longer meet your needs regarding its ability to ______. My most demanding tasks re [RAM] are ____ and ___. What can (s)he provide?
  • Alternatively, if you are unable to provide this information from within your system but still have access to the physical machine, take and send a photo of the sticker at the bottom of your machine. The sticker is usually black and contains the brandname, model name and number, serial number and so on. The vendor should be able to find the specifications of your computer from the details on this sticker.
  • As soon as possible, test the new computer's ability to perform the most demanding tasks. For instance, if you need to perform many Zoom calls, ask the vendor to set up a mock Zoom call using the video and audio while you are still in the store.

  • ...

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